1) Puddles

Yup. I spent the first nine years of my life in Oregon, and I have a little bit of duck in me yet. However, I admit my favorite thing about puddles is driving through them, and creating that huge wake/splash. It's particularly fun in our little car 'cuz there are about three spots in our neighborhood that have puddles large enough during spring break-up to cause a splash bigger than the car.
Yes, I know it's bad for the car. And I don't do it when people are walking, but it's so fun!
2) Rolling Mills

I love using the electric rolling mill in the metals shop. I want one so bad!!! And they are so expensive. For a little hand crank one it's between $300 and $500, and that's not counting shipping up to Alaska...
I use the rolling mill to imprint leaves and patterns on the metal. I love the effect of a leaf imprint...
3) Museums
Even before my husband worked in a museum I loved them. Now that he works there, it's even better. And no, that doesn't mean we get in for free. It just means we go more often. =)
One of our earliest dates was a trip to an art museum in Seattle. I forget which one, but it was so fun. Particularly because Jake had never been. He never would have gone without me, and now he works in a museum! I love that.
4) Monet's paintings

They are just beautiful.
And they move me.
And they make me smile.
5) Jim Butcher's Dresden Files

I enjoy the mixing of genres. The characters are rich and interesting, and the dark under-belly Butcher reveals is fascinating.
His newest release in the series, Ghost Story, won't come out for another two months and I am eagerly anticipating it's arrival date.
You might find this poem interesting as well as the back story of Monet's eyesight.
Valette- I knew about his cataracts & loss of eyesight, but didn't know about the color shift. Thank you for sharing!
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