First, Here's my home beading table:
I've been working on completing some of the components I've made at the shop.

Now, for what's on my desk in the work-shop on campus:

I'm currently working on these three pendants. The one in the center is almost complete- it just needs something to hang it be. I'll probably drill a hole and then insert a jump-ring.
The one on the right... Needs some liver of sulphor to show off the leaf imprint, but it needs something more than that. Maybe some words?? I'm not sure.
The butterfly on the left... I'm also not sure what I'll be doing with it next. I'm thrilled witht he way the butterfly turned out, but trying to decide whether to mark the pattern of a butterfly on the butterfly... You can't tell from this picture, but there's a fabulous leaf imprint on the silver underneath the butterfly. It looks like a chrysalis, which is what made me want to add the butterfly.
Anyway, here's my process. Mostly trial and error. I'm still figuring out what I'm doing as I do it. I like texture and layers, which is the best way to describe what I'm working on right now...
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