Sunday, April 20, 2008


The worship team at our church was invited to a potlatch today. So I got to hang out with some people from church, which rarely happens. (a potlatch is similar to a potluck, but different)
A jam session burst out- get a bunch of musicians in a room together with someone who has 4 or 5 guitars, a keyboard and a bass- guess what happens? Music!

The hardest thing about our church is the size- it is so big that it's hard to get to know people. I'm not picking on one person here. We all come in and go talk to the people we know. In fact, the church is so big that I don't even know who is a member and who is a first timer...
It was good to just spend some time with some of 'em in a non-church, non-responsibility type atmosphere.

I'm TERRIBLE at reaching out and trying to get to know people. Plus, the added weirdness of my age. I'm ANCIENT to have a 2 yr old and a 4 yr old. At least in Alaska. We've got a ton of military families, so half of the mommies are only 22... And the other half are 26 to 28. I'm 36. NOT ancient, but definitely older than the average mommy in my church. It can make it hard to connect with some of the other moms, and most of the career women have kids in their teens... So, I often end up feeling all out of place.
Wish I had a crowd I fit into! I never quite feel at home in churches. The artist thing, I guess...

1 comment:

LisaKay said...

What a fun time we had! Nathan really enjoyed himself too, with us "old" people! He LOVES Jake and his goofy sense of humor. I'm looking forward to the next "potlach" we do....