Sunday, December 12, 2010


I feel incapable of keeping up with anything right now!
I kind of started to feel better after my surgery, then I got a cold, which turned into bronchitis.

When I had my "one-month-after-surgery" appointment, they told me that people frequently get bronchitis or pneumonia after surgery because of the difference in breathing.

I have had the weirdest experience with breathing after this surgery- I don't know whether it's because they had a tube down my throat to make sure I could breathe while they moved my esophagus and everything over, or just a result of ANOTHER surgery... But it's like sometimes I forget to breathe. And I'll be sitting there, and then be like "I need some air!" And then I'll breathe again. Weird.

And I've been coughing after swallowing water or soda- like I forgot how to breathe and drink... Worse after soda of any kind. Don't know why, but it's WEIRD.

So, I'm starting to recover from the bronchitis. We'll see how quickly I'm back up to normal.
Ready for some NORMAL!!!!!

Wednesday, December 01, 2010

Going to Miss This

‎"You're going to miss this
You're going to want this back
You're going to wish these days
Hadn't gone by so fast
These are some good times
So take a good look around
You may not know it now
But you're going to miss this"
by Trace Adkins

First off, you need to know I DON"T listen to country music. I don't like most of it and the songs I do like tend to be OLD.
However, my cousin shared the lyrics to this song on FB, and it struck me.

As much as I hate not having my own kitchen, living room and dining room-
As much as I long to have my own bathroom to decorate my own way-
As much as I hate cleaning up after my mom and sister-
As crowded as this house is-
As much as I am tired of my mom telling me 'the correct way' to do something-
As loud as this house is with 6 people-
And our finances so tight-
And living in the cold and dark of Alaska-

There will come a day when I look back on this time as precious:
Because of my girls being little & giggly.
Because my mom is right here when I need her.
Because I can leave my girls with my mom to go grocery shopping.
Because I bead with my sister in the evening.

God, help me look at the positive side of living here with my family so tightly squeezed into this house. Help me remember to enjoy what I have before it is gone.

Wednesday, November 24, 2010

Song of Thanksgiving

A thankful heart, thankful in all things...

Hard to do right now.
With money tight,
and dreams dead,
and families closer than breath.

God, help me see the good things-
the happy smiles,
the full bellies,
the children safe in their beds.

God, you have provided all-
our family home,
our screaming car,
our jobs and friends,
even the dreams in our hearts.

So, on you I will cling-
on you I will call-
To you I will sing.

Saturday, November 20, 2010

Sunday, November 14, 2010

Home From Surgery

I'm home!
Wasted tired and on some serious pain meds, but home. =)
So far, I can't really tell if it's made a difference; however, I have noticed that my left hand isn't numb all the time like it was.
My left arm was numb from about my elbow down, and had patches of numb spots on my bicep. I hadn't started dropping things with that hand yet, but I think it would have started soon.
So far, I have gained feeling back in my hand (YAY!) and I'm hoping to see a change in my pain level.

Friday, November 05, 2010

High Stress

Today has been so horribly awfully stressful!

I went to pick up my travel vouchers for our flight to Anchorage, and found out that Jake wasn't approved to travel with me. Our insurance would not pay for him to come, which we were expecting, 'cuz when we had this trip planned in August they were paying for him...

I discovered that all the changes in health care stuff since then boil down to Jake not getting to come til the end of the week. The insurance has agreed to pay for Jake to come get me and take me home, but not to be there when it happens or during my immediate recovery. Is that weird, or what???

So, we've been trying to figure out how to get him down there with me.
And I've been falling apart.

Yes, I know God will be with me, and that technically I will not be alone.
Yes, I can do all things through Christ;
However, I don't think I can fly to Anchorage and go through with this after expecting Jake to go with me...
So, we've been making last minute phone calls and trying to figure it out.

I swear I've felt like I couldn't breathe today...

Thursday, November 04, 2010

My long Absence

Next week is my spinal surgery.
I have two ruptured discs in my neck which will be removed, then the surgeon will slap a titanium plate in there.

I'm not sleeping.
I'm reading a crazy amount of books.
And I'm not really feeling terribly creative, either.
So, I expect there will be a hiatus from writing on this here blog.
I HOPE to get back to it when it's all over, and life is normal again.

In addition to the worry and fear, I'm also taking quite a bit of pain killers right now, 'cuz the busted discs squeeze down on my spinal cord and hurt.
So the pain killers are also killing my joy in fun writing.

Sunday, October 10, 2010

Fun Day!

I've missed a lot of Fun Days here on Becca's Place...

I'm extremely wickedly busy again. Now that I'm working two jobs, and running my girls to dance, and OT, and piano. Plus making jewelry for CHRISTMAS BAZAARS!

However, I want to keep up with the fun days. =) Sharing what I'm making. So, I'm gonna make it happen.

I made this piece towards the end of the summer. I'm very pleased with the glowing flowers. There is a bit of gold dichroic glass blended in with the red centers. Just lovely.

Crazy Dress Day

A couple weeks ago, the girls had crazy dress day at school. They wanted to participate, but both were very nervous about being over the top and looking bad.
I think we came up with fun costumes for both of them. =)
Abigail ended up desiring a slightly more conservative look, but Deborah looks crazy!

Sunday, September 26, 2010

October 1st, First Friday

The Two Sisters (, Beth & I, will be showing our jewelry at the Morris Thompson Cultural and Visitor's Center ( this Friday!

We are delighted to be part of the First Friday Art tour here in Fairbanks, and would love to see you there!

My New Job!!!

I have been hired as an "Early Reading Intervention Specialist" at my daughters' school!
Fancy title for a reading tutor. And I'm delighted. =)
I'm working one-on-one with 1st through 3rd graders who are struggling with their basics, like sound recognition and figuring out words.

It means I'm very busy now, though.

I'm still doing the jewelry business, although Farmer's Market has shut down for the winter.
Instead Beth & I are busy busy collecting and finding Christmas Bazaars to show our work.

Also, I'm still doing piece work for Judie Gumm Designs. So, I'm a little overwhelmed, and haven't quite figured out the rhythm. I hope I can balance mommy-hood, jewelry and tutoring.

The big thing I've ended up letting slide is blogging. However, I don't intend for that to be true forever... Just until I can figure everything else out.

Friday, September 03, 2010


My girls started the school year with a bang.

Deborah started a week before Abigail, and then when Abigail was supposed to start kindergarten she was SICK. Really sick.

So she didn't start until this week.

At first she was thrilled, but lately she's been begging for me to let her stay home.
When I asked her why, she told me she didn't like having people tell her what to do...

Well, who can blame her. I don't really like people telling me what to do either. However, that's life, you know? You've ALWAYS got someone telling you what to do- your spouse, your boss, the police...

Anyway, poor kid. She's coming home so tired. Just worn out for the new schedule, and the new teachers, and the new kids. And all those people telling her what to do...

Sunday, August 29, 2010


It has been almost a month since I last posted.
I admit it.
I have been OVERWHELMED by life.

The last month of Farmer's Market always gets crazy- we start getting people who have special repair jobs, and special orders. School starts and I am dealing with little ones all the time...
Also, this year I've started the PT work for Judie Gumm Designs
Since my surgery got post-poned, I've been in a lot of pain which makes life more difficult.

I've been too busy to READ, and that's too busy.

I'm hoping to get started regularly posting again. That shall be my goal. To post at least once a week, and preferably twice a week.

I like to have regular topics- books, my jewelry, what's going on...

Friday, July 30, 2010

Friday is My FUN Day!- Wired Flower Earrings

I created these last week.
I was leery about working with the flowers and wire; however,
I am delighted with the end result.

The Waiting

I get these devotionals in my e-mail regularly from Proverbs 31 Ministries. Some of them are really good, and I wanted to share this one.
The Waiting
26 Jul 2010
by Wendy Pope

"Wait for the LORD; be strong and take heart and wait for the LORD." Psalm 27:14 (NLT)

Waiting: a virtue I aspire to obtain but often fail to achieve. How about you?In our hurry up, need it, gotta-have-it-now culture, we have been brain-washed into thinking there is something wrong with waiting and we shouldn't have to do it. Within seconds we can know the weather in southern Mongolia, order a cute blouse from a trendy store, or Skype a conversation with a friend on the opposite side of the country. We can instant message a friend or send a tweet to thousands in the blink of an eye; no wonder we believe waiting is hard to do.

The author of today's key verse was no stranger to waiting and knew full well of its difficulties. O ut of nowhere, the prophet Samuel showed up at his home to anoint the next king of Israel who was to be chosen from his family. Only one of Jesse's sons would be anointed as God's chosen king for His beloved Israel. The son chosen was David. Scripture tell us the Spirit of God rushed over David and was with him the remainder of his days (1 Samuel 16:13, ESV). With such an anointing one would expect David to run to take his seat on the throne, but the only running David did was back to the pasture to do his job. Thus his wait began.

In the wait, God prepared David for his seat on the throne. The only vocation David knew was shepherding. He did not know the ends and outs of kingly protocol or the rules of royal deity. David did not have the support of the people or armies to defend him as king. He was only a lowly shepherd boy. Instead of taking the position he was promised David waited for God to move him from the pasture to the palace. In the wait, God made David ready for t he move.David learned many lessons about waiting. By examining and applying these truths we can find hope in the difficulty of waiting and determine that waiting in the present is beneficial to our future.

1. Even though we are anointed and appointed we may still have to wait. David waited fifteen years to be king of Judah and even longer to be king of all Israel.
2. God's ways are not our ways; His thoughts are not our thoughts. After being anointed and appointed David was called to serve Saul, the king who was sitting on "his" throne.
3. God doesn't waste time; He holds it in His hands. He redeems it by using our experiences to prosper us in each season of life.
4. If we allow it, our waiting will bring us to an intimate knowledge of the Savior that we would not other wise have. Most of David's beautiful and poetic psalms were written while in caves, caverns, and the wilderness, waiting on God.
5. God does not ignore the cries of His children. David crie d out, and at times begged God for help, invention, and defense. God never let David down. He did eventually take the throne, didn't he?
6. Our waiting has a purpose for someone other that ourselves. It is not all about us. Just think of how rich our lives are today because of the wait David endured. We have the comfort, compassion, hope, and healing of his amazing poetry.

What awesome instructions David gives for waiting! Waiting is less difficult and the future is brighter when we let God to do His work in our waiting season. When we let our guard and defenses down He proves Himself faithful to bring His plans for our lives to fullness.

Dear Lord, help me wait. Help me wait well. I want to be still and allow You to bring Your plan in my life to its fullness. I can't do this without You. In Jesus' Name, Amen

Application Steps:
Read more about David's life starting in 1 Samuel 16.
What is my first response to waiting?Do I grow closer to or further from God when I am waiting? Why?What has God taught me in today's devotion about waiting?
Power Verses:
Psalm 27:4, "One thing I ask of the LORD, this is what I seek: that I may dwell in the house of the LORD all the days of my life, to gaze upon the beauty of the LORD and to seek him in his temple" (NIV)
Isaiah 40:31, "But those who hope in the LORD will renew their strength. They will soar on wings like eagles; they will run and not grow weary, t hey will walk and not be faint." (NIV)
Lamentations 3:24, "I say to myself, 'The LORD is my portion; therefore I will wait for him."" (NIV)

Monday, July 26, 2010

My Husband's Photos

Jake's got this fancy new camera- a Hasselblad- and he's taking some pretty amazing shots.
Of course, my current favorites are the ones with our girls.

I already said he wants to be a professional photographer when he grows up.

I think he's just about grown up, now... =)

You can find many more of his photos here-
He has some more of us, but he also photographs airplanes, and old buildings, and grass...
He's a talented guy.

Saturday, July 24, 2010

Friday is My FUN Day! - Spiral in Bluestone

One of my favorite metal-smithing projects. I created the pendant and the spiral links, and then I beaded the whole thing up. I LOVE being able to create the whole thing, from start to finish.
I love the sparkle of bluestone- it's a man-made stone with flecks of copper melted into glass. Very pretty, and very strong.

The first step was to create the pendant-

I twisted the spiral with silver wire, then hammered away at it til I got the look I wanted.

Then I created the bezel cup for the cab and soldered it to the center of the spiral.

After I finished the pendant, I wanted the necklace itself to match the spiral look of the pendant.
I twisted the silver wire, and then I hammered them. (I LOVE hammering, It's fun to just wail away at metal...)
After they looked the way I wanted them to, I soldered their ends so that I could use them as links.

Then I created the bluestone and glass links.

I love Metal-smithing projects!
I am missing the shop a LOT...

Tuesday, July 20, 2010


Big news!!!!

I have been hired to do piece-work for Judie Gumm!
She creates beautiful nature-inspired silver jewelry.

She is at a place in her career where she gets to mostly focus on design. (A wonderful place to be.) Her primary work is done with silver castings. She creates her molds and then sends them out to have the casting created. They come home, and have to be put together into the lovely pieces you see on her site.

That's where I will come in. I'll be taking her cast pieces, and putting them together into jewelry.

And that's the other thing that has been making me BUSY.
Here are two examples of the trial work I have done for them:
The dolphin earrings come home with the little dolphin circle separate- I added the earring hook, and the pearls.
The acorn necklace comes home as just the little gold acorn cap. I slip the pearl into the cap, attach it to the chain, and then attach the clasp to the end of the chain.


I am sorry! I haven't posted in a LONG time, and I need to try and keep up.

But I have been busy. Very busy.

I'm working three days a week, at Farmer's Market & Pioneer Park. And then I've been taking the girls to swimming lessons on two other days.... Which sounds like it shouldn't take long, but is generally a four hour adventure.
The only days left are Sunday and Friday. Abigail has therapy on Fridays, and Sunday is often very busy with church and spending time with my family.
And the rest of the time I'm trying to keep up with laundry, dishes, meals and making jewelry.

So... I'm busy.
But I will do better. Because I like blogging. Because this is my writing outlet. Because I want to!

Wednesday, July 07, 2010

Wednesday is Library Day- Dangerous Days & Black Hills

The Dangerous Days of Daniel X by James Patterson and Michael Ledwidge
From the cover: he was born with great power and a deadly secret. The greatest superpower of all isn't to be part spider, part man, or to cast magic spells- the greatest power is the power to create. Daniel X has that power.
Daniel's secret abilities - like being able to manipulate objects and animals with his midn or to re-create himself in any shape he chooses - have helped him survive. But Daniel doesn't have a normal life. He is the protector of Earth, the Alien Hunter, with a mission beyond anyone's imagining.
From the day that his parents were brutally murdered before his very eyes, Daniel has used his unique gifts to hunt down their assassin. Finally, with the help of The List, bequeathed to him in his parents' dying breath, he is closing in on the killer.
Now, on his own, he vows to carry out his father's mission - and to take vengeance in the process.

I admit it. This book was disappointing. I wasn't expecting it to be fantastic, but I was hoping for a comic book/cartoon sort of experience... And it just didn't fulfill my hopes.
Black Hills by Nora Roberts
From the cover: Cooper Sullivan spent the summers of his youth on his grandparents' South Dakota ranch, sharing innocent games and stolen kisses with the neighbor girl, Lil Chance. Now, twelve years after they last walked together hand in hand, fate has brought them back to the Black Hills.
Coop has left his fast-paced life as an investigator in New York to take care of his aging gradparents and the ranch he has come to call home. Though the memory of his touch still haunts her, lil has let nothing stop her dream of opening the Chance Wildlife Refuge. But something... or someone... has been keeping a close watch. When small pranks and acts of destruction escalate into the heartless killing of Lil's beloved cougar, memories of an unsolved murder in these very hills have Coop springing to action to keep Lil safe.
Lil and Coop know the natural dangers that lurk in the wild landscape of the Black Hills. But a killer of twisted and unnatural instincts has singled them out as prey.

Another winner from an excellent author. I love how Roberts creates characters I care about, puts them through horrible situations and pulls of an exciting conclusion. I particularly enjoyed the wildlife refuge part of this story, and the glimpses of all the big cats- lions, tigers, cougars, panthers, etc.

Monday, July 05, 2010

Yuckiest Farmer's Market EVER

Last Saturday was our yuckiest, most horrible Farmer's Market ever.

It started out pretty okay, and ended with us watching someone almost die.
Yes, you read that right.

Saturday's forcast was for rain, so we were delighted to see sun in the morning. While the day was slow, we each made enough to go home with money.

About half-way through the day a bad storm hit- lightning, thunder, wind, rain... Which was nasty, but the worst part was our neighbors...

They had come without any weights. (totally against the rules because of some SERIOUS accidents that have occurred- merchandise destroyed, people hurt. The worst accidents have happened when one person doesn't bring weights and their tent flips into their neighbor's tent and destroys their neighbor's tent and products...) I went and checked to see if there were any extras in the store room, and their were, but the chica next to us was all pissy and full of attitude about us NOT giving her any help. "My cousin is coming with them, and I'm not leaving to go get the ones in storage." So, I'm trying to be nice & polite, but still worried about OUR tent, and she's having a little hissy fit, in Spanish...

Anyway, after the storm leaves, J.R. the manager, walks by and says something about her having the weights next week. As soon as he's gone, she's off having another little hissy fit to her cousin (who did finally show up, with little tiny 10 lb. weights, when we're supposed to have 40 lb. ones). Since I don't speak Spanish, I don't know if she was complaining about us, the storm, the weights, or J.R.

Doesn't really matter. If she's not willing to obey the weight rules, she's not gonna get to sell at Farmer's Market. I hope I upset her enough that they choose to set up somewhere else, if they come back...

So, I'm upset about that whole thing. And the storm getting all our stuff wet. But we're stuck there for two more hours...

By the time closing time comes I've figured out we made enough money to make the day worth our time.

We pack up, and everybody else packs up. Most everyone is gone (we're always one of the last people there), when Tammy husband arrives. Tammy was two tent spaces down from us, next to 'Far Above Rubies' (Jennifer & Greg's goat milk lotion and soaps). Tammy finished packing up and was just leaving with her tent. Her husband, Dennis, picked up her tent, and hit the ground. I have never seen anyone hit the ground like that, or heard someone's head hit the concrete like that. A truly horrible noise...

Tammy started screaming, and Beth got to Dennis about the same time Greg did. I started screaming for someone to call 911.

A nurse customer miraculously was still there inside talking to a vender, and she came out when the screaming started. When Dennis stopped breathing she got CPR started, and Greg ended up helping her.

It took the ambulance at least 20 minutes to get there. I'm going to repeat that.
It took the ambulance 20 minutes to get there.

If you live in Fairbanks, you realize how absolutely ridiculous that time is. The Farmer's Market is located on College Rd. just a little ways away from campus and the UAF fire house. It SHOULD have taken them less than 10 minutes.

I don't know what was up, but it was horrible to be there, and have them checking for his pulse, and saying, "Okay, he's not breathing again..." And listening to the sounds of him moaning & gasping for air...

The ambulance finally got there, and they got him to the ER. He is currently in ICU, and they do not know the extent of the damage. His heart went into major failure, and he did not receive enough oxygen to his brain for about 20 minutes..


I have come away from this experience with a couple lessons:

First off, don't keep critical medical information from your spouse.
Dennis had a major heart attack a while back, and was supposed to be taking medication. He hated the way it made him feel, and chose not to take it. He chose not to tell his wife, and this is the way she found out.
Critical medical secrets will come out, and in the worst possible way.

Second, I never want to be that helpless again.
I am taking CPR lessons as soon as possible, so that I can help if I am ever in that kind of situation again. I took First Aid and CPR when I worked for the YMCA after-school program, but that was more than a decade ago.

Third, I want to know where some of my friends at Farmer's Market are with Jesus.
No, I'm not going to turn into a screaming evangelist. Ha. As if. But I intend to be more purposeful about sharing my faith.
A friend recently told me this- the time to share Jesus with someone is when everything in you is saying, 'Really, God?' Not when you are so confident that you want to share it with everyone.
I think there's some value to what she meant- Not that we shouldn't be purposeful, and confident. Not that we shouldn't be direct. But that when you are more concerned about your own ability and experience, you & the person you are talking to miss out on the loving-kindness of Christ...

Tuesday, June 29, 2010

Wednesday is Library Day!

I haven't read much lately... I'm too busy with jewelry and Farmer's Market and swimming lessons.

The Shadow Sorceress by L.E. Modessit, Jr.
From Modessit's website: Anna, the heroine of The Spellsong War (Tor, 1999) was a singer from Earth who brought a new level of magic to the world of Erde through her knowledge of music and singing. Considered to be the power behind the throne, Anna was able to protect her young king for years. But when Anna dies unexpectedly, her successor, Secca, is thrust into a position of power before her training is complete. The kingdom of Defaulk is in a state of unrest and a possible war is on the horizon. To make matters worse, the Sea Priests have laid a naval siege on Nordwei using their new drumming magic. Now Secca must gather her resources and put her still-developing magical powers to the test to continue Anna’s work and set things right again.

I enjoyed the continuation of the Spellsong Saga, and have thorougly enjoyed the return to Defaulk. However, Secca's tale is honestly not as rich as Anna's... Anna's experiences and wisdom changed her world so much, and Secca just doesn't have them. Which is the point of the book- it's a coming of age story. I care about Secca and the world that's been created, but haven't enjoyed this one as much as the others. I'm overwhelmed by the odds that she must face and really do not see how she can possibly defeat the horrible evil that has grown around her. I will be going on to read the next book. But not with as much enthusiasm as I dove into Anna's stories.

Inkheart by Cornelia Funke
From the cover: One cruel night, Meggie's father reads aloud from Inkheart, and an evil ruler named Capricorn escapes the boundaries of the book, landing in their living room. Suddenly, Meggie's in the middle of the kind of adventure she thought only took place in fairy tales. Somehow she must master the magic that has conjured up this nightmare. Can she change the course of the story that has changed her life forever?

I thoroughly enjoyed Inkheart, and am looking forward to reading the others in the series. Beth rented the movie before I had an opportunity to read the book, and I got an inkling of how much I might enjoy the book and I was right. Not only is the book MUCH better than the movie, it was a good story. A book-lover's story.... I love the quotes from all the well-known books: from The Borribles to The Hobbit.
It's not Harry Potter. Don't get me wrong... It's gonna be a long time before we see another story with the depth, creativity and intrigue of Rowling's world. But it was excellent and well-told YA fiction. I was drawn in immediately and wanted to know what was going to happen. I cared about the characters and was interested in their story. Well worth the time.

Friday, June 25, 2010

Friday is My Fun Day- Bead Soup Party

I have had a marvelous week participating in Lori's Bead Soup Party!

I hope you have had an opportunity to check in with her blog and see all the amazing completed projects. I am pleased to be part of something so cool.

Here's the wonderful collection of beads my partner Lyn, of Lyn Foley.

Look at the amazing green beads she made! Isn't it great? She made the nine beads across the center.
The small green beads are chalk turquoise and the white strand is made up of lovely freshwater pearls.
I fell in love with the little bird clasp.

I am very pleased with my completed project, but let me tell you- It took a LOT to get there.

I originally had an entirely different concept, and was working with a very specific idea of what I wanted. I rarely work toward a goal like this, but I also rarely work with large glass beads such as Lyn's so I wanted a goal.

My concept drawing reflects a delicate and graceful vine with the focus entirely on Lyn's bead.

But here is where my lack of experience with large glass focal beads torpedoes my design.... Her bead was MUCH too heavy for the delicate vine. It literally pulled the vine right off my neck.... So I fought with that for a bit, and tried a couple of other ideas... Tried to rig a chain across the front, tried a different bead, tried finding beads for the vine end that would balance with her bead...

And got frustrated.
Very frustrated.

I didn't like any of the other ideas as much as my original vision...

And then it happened. I had a new vision. A good one... Maybe not as unique as my original concept, but I'm pleased with the final project. I still have other beads from Lyn's goodie bag to use, and I am looking forward to the challenge. =)

Giving up things you cling to...

Heart-religion is too holy to be popular. It will not leave natural man alone. It interferes with his worldliness and his sins. It requires of him things that he hates and despises–conversion, faith, repentance, spiritual-mindedness, Bible-reading, and prayer. It commands him to give up what he loves and clings to, and refuses to lay aside. It would be strange indeed if he liked it. It crosses his path as a kill-joy and a troublemaker, and it is absurd to expect that he will be pleased with it.
~ J.C. Ryle

Wednesday, June 23, 2010


I get about one or two migraines a month. Today is one of those days. I'm having trouble looking at the computer screen without squinting.
So I will be posting my book reviews when I can look at my computer without crying.
Sorry if you are disappointed.

Swim Lessons- Too much girl time

The girls had fun splashing around at swimming lessons today. And now I'm wound tight as a drum... Too much girlie time today!!!

I love 'em, but Lord have mercy, they can drive me CRAZY. The bad thing about swimming lessons is that they want you to stay in the building the entire time your child is in the pool. (Which I agree with in theory, but in practice...)

Abigail's lessons are from 2-2:30, and Deborah's are from 2:45-3:30. Which means that I'm stuck in the building for 1 and a half hours (more like 2 hours 'cuz of changing time and shower time...) And that's a LONG time to be stuck in one place with wiggly girls.

Deborah talked non-stop. The only time she wasn't talking was during her lesson. The thing about her- she doesn't just chat & chat and let you float along. She wants you to pay attention the whole time... And she asks questions to make sure that you are with her.

Abigail literally cannot be still, and for the most part I can deal with that- it's just the way she's put together. But during Deborah's lesson, she wanted to be up in the loft to watch Deborah for about 5 minutes, and then down stairs to eat for about 10, and then back up in the loft for 5, and then back down to eat, etc.

After the lessons we stopped at the store, and got a few items and had a snack. Which brought our total up to about four hours of non-stop chattering, whining, and wiggling.

I am pretty much ready to shred the walls with my finger-nails.
Love those girls of mine. =)

Friday, June 18, 2010


After his wife died in great pain, C.S. Lewis realized, "If I had really cared as I thought I did, about the sorrows of this world, I should not have been so overwhelmed when my own sorrow came".

This is a reminder to me that God always holds me when my life feels out of control. That He knows my pain, and lives it out with me.

I honestly don't understand or agree with His choice to allow so much pain and suffering in the world. However, I trust that He is God and truly knows what is best- the end of it all, and that giving us free will was worth more than making our lives easy and pain free.

Friday is My Fun Day! - Wire-work pieces

Fridays are now officially my favorite day. =)

I completed these two projects this week and last week, but finally got a lovely sunny day to photograph them.

Butterfly Crystals

My butterfly piece is wire work wrapped with freshwater pearls, Swarovski crystals and Quartz.

I love the sparkle and elegance, and wish that my photos could give a clear picture of just how dazzling the piece is to the naked eye.

Sunset Over Snow

My snow piece is wire-wrapped seed beads and Swarovski crystals.

7 Strands of aurora borealis, clear, white, and silver seed beads have been wrapped together to create the snow, then a strand of crystals has been wrapped around the rest.

Again, I wish my photos could show the true dazzle and sparkle of the piece.

Tuesday, June 15, 2010

Wednesday is Library Day!!- Spellsong Cycle

I've been diving into some rich and beautiful fantasy by L.E. Modesit, Jr. The first three are actually re-reads, but well worth the time.

The Spellsong War by L.E. Modesit, Jr. (Book 2 of The Spellsong Cycle)
From his web-site: Anna Marshal is regent of the kingdom of Defalk only a few months after a sorcerer pulled her from her boring life as a music instructor in Ames, Iowa to the world of Erde. With her ability and her integrity she saved Defalk from invasion and became it’s regent. Now she must defend it against the greedy rulers of neighboring kingdoms who see a weakened state and a possible opportunity.
I love re-reading books, at least really good books. I always find more the second time than the first, and I often understand the actions of the characters far more the second time.
I understand so much more this time about Anna, both as a mother and as a woman trying to make lasting changes in a messed up country. Modesit, Jr. has created a believable, convoluted and twisty world inhabited by believable, convoluted and twisty characters.
I enjoy the magic, the politics, the balancing act, the singing and the hint of romance.
Excellent fantasy.

DarkSong Rising by L.E. Modesitt, Jr. (Book 3 of The Spellsong Cycle)
From his website: We first met Anna Marshall in The Soprano Sorceress when she wished to be anything other than a music teacher and singer in Iowa—this was before she was pulled into the world of Erde where her gift of song became a gift of magic. Her musical ability has since given Anna influence, control, and the potential to be an enormously powerful sorceress. Now, as the Regent of Defalk, Anna must battle two men who would destroy her and claim Defalk for their own.
I sympathized with Anna, and was drawn into her world completely. Just as Anna did, I grew weary of the eternal battle to protect the country. And the frustration of dealing with an over-proud and young soon-to-be king. I wished she could go home to her children, and I wished she could find happiness in Defalk and be free to make a home there.
The pressure of dealing with so many arrogant men intent on destroying the future would overwhelm me... I am amazed at her persistence, and willingness to throw herself into battle on behalf of those she knows and respects so little.
These have been worth my time, and I look forward to reading the next two in the cycle.

L.E. Modesit, Jr.'s web-site:

Bead Soup Blog Party- Coming Soon!

Pretty soon I'll be sharing the addresses for all the other participants in the Bead Soup Party.
Right now I just want to let you know when the unveiling will be- June 19th through June 26th.
Stay Tuned!!!
For all the latest info, check out Lori Anderson's blog:

Saturday, June 12, 2010

Friday is My Fun Day! - ???

What to do???

The weather has been horrible this entire week, so I haven't been able to take pics outside of any of my jewelry! I don't have any creative new pieces to share!
I've been creating lovely jewelry, I just don't have any good photos!

Our sweet lovely wonderful friend Valette left us with a stupendous light box and we've been using it inside during the winter, but it is a process to set up... Maybe I can do all that tomorrow, but I was just not up to the task today.

I have a solution!
Instead of sharing MY work, I am going to share some of the pieces that have truly inspired me lately.
These two pieces by Sylvia Jewelry at Etsy ( have absolutely blown me away.. The first is called "Bloom Necklace in gold", and the second is called "Harvest Necklace".

I am in love with her style! I love the delicate vine nature of her work, and enjoy the bold color choices.

She has caused me to look at my own wire-work in a different way. I'm mulling it over and dreaming, but soon I expect to have my work go in a slightly different way. I'm looking forward to the changes ahead!

Sylvia has MANY other lovely jewelry pieces at her website, some like these, and some completely different.

Go enjoy!

Thursday, June 10, 2010

Fun Earrings- Pearl Flowers

The sweetest lady called me last night. She had gone to Pioneer Park, found my jewelry and purchased several pieces.

She hoped I could make earrings to match the necklace she had bought so that she could wear them to her son's wedding. I had never made any like it, but I gave it a try... Here is the result.
I like them. I was very nervous, but they turned out quite cute. Now that I've figured out how to do it I will probably make something like these again.

In the picture, I am showing one of the flowers from the back and one from the front

Thank you, Nancy! I probably wouldn't have tried if you hadn't requested.

Wednesday, June 09, 2010

Wednesday is Library Day!- The dark and depressing

I read two books this last week... And both were extremely dark and depressing. I don't know how I ended up reading them both in the same week, but at least I can say I've read them and will never do so again.

The Complete Fairy Tales of Oscar Wilde

From the cover: A celebrated playwright and poet, Oscar Wilde also penned incomparable nonviction and fiction- and lovely gemlike fairy tales. Filled with princes and nightingales, mermaids, giants, and kings, his tales carry the mark of his signature iron and subtle eroticism. This volume brings together all the stories found in Wilde's two collections, The Happy Prince and Other Tales and A House of Pomegranates. Published here alongside their evocative original illustrations, these fairy tales, as Wilde himself explained, were written "partly for children, and partly for those who have kept the childlike faculties of wonder and joy."

The Importance of Being Earnest is one of my favorite plays, so when I ran across this little volume of fairy tales I was delighted. I had no idea what I was picking up...
I've read several of these before- The Happy Prince, and The Birthday of The Infanta both stand out as stories I've read before, and a couple of the others felt familiar.
First off, let me say there's no way I'd let my children read this until they are at least 13. They're dark with an over-riding sense of doom, but more than that they paint a very hopeless picture of humanity.
Most of the stories portray selfishness as destruction, and self-lessness as a lost & hopeless cause. A nightingale gives up his life so that a lover can give a red rose to his girl, which she then throws on the ground and tramples...
I'm glad I read them again. The stories are all beautifully written, but I came away from this compilation sad and heart-broken for the author.

Wintergirls by Laurie Halse Anderson
From the Cover: Lia and Cassie are best friends, wintergirls frozen in fragile bodies, competitors in a deadly contest to see who can be the thinnest. But then Cassie suffers the ultimate loss- her life- and Lia is left behind, haunted by her friend's memory and feeling guilty for not being able to help save her.
In her most powerfully moving novel since Speak, award-winning author Laurie Halse Anderson explores Lia's struggle, her painful path to recovery, and her desperate attempts to hold on the the most important thing of all - hope.

I knew exactly what I was getting into with this novel- an honest portrayal of anorexia, depression, guilt and an excellent novel.
I hated this story and loved it.
As a teacher & minister, I was struck again with how dark the future is for kids with anorexia- how hard this disease is to overcome. As a mom I was horrified at the thought of what this poor child was doing to her body and how much it messed with her mind.
Anderson is a fantastic author- she allows the reader to experience the deterioration of Lia's thought process and the 'control' that a person with anorexia so desperately seeks through starvation and drugs. The more control she gains over her body and cravings, the less control she actually has...
Well worth the read, beautifully written.

Tuesday, June 08, 2010

Eyes on You

Children are the living messages we send to a time we will not see.
Neil Postman

Saturday, June 05, 2010

Friday is My Fun Day!- Leafy Bronze Bracelets

I am delighted to show these bracelets off!
They were fun to make...

First and most importantly, I chose metal that had already been worked with and aged. Each of these pieces had been worked with and then discarded. I loved the texture and images already embedded in the metal.

Then I heated the copper to make it malleable. I chose leaves and ran the metal and the leaves through the rolling mill.
(A rolling mill is the tool I covet the most from our shop. Yes, I want a torch, but I WANT a rolling mill in a really bad way. The cheapest good one I've found was around $500. It's gonna be a while before I have one...)

Next, I soaked the pieces in liver of sulphur to age and darken the leaf impressions.
After the liver of sulphur bath, I sanded the surface to lighten the raised metal.

Then I drilled holes on the sides. After speaking to an artist on Etsy I used clear finger-nail polish to coat the backs of the bracelets. Copper has a tendency to turn skin green when worn repeatedly, but the clear nail polish will prevent the copper from touching skin.

Finally, I took them home and beaded them, which was a blast! I wanted a heavy, rich appearance so I mixed chain in with vibrant glass beads and luscious stones.

I created the green bracelet specifically for me, but the red and blue one are both for sale!

Take a peak down at Farmer's Market on College Rd. in Fairbanks or on Etsy.