I love the sparkle of bluestone- it's a man-made stone with flecks of copper melted into glass. Very pretty, and very strong.
The first step was to create the pendant-
I twisted the spiral with silver wire, then hammered away at it til I got the look I wanted.
Then I created the bezel cup for the cab and soldered it to the center of the spiral.

After I finished the pendant, I wanted the necklace itself to match the spiral look of the pendant.
I twisted the silver wire, and then I hammered them. (I LOVE hammering, It's fun to just wail away at metal...)
After they looked the way I wanted them to, I soldered their ends so that I could use them as links.
Then I created the bluestone and glass links.

I love Metal-smithing projects!
I am missing the shop a LOT...
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