I guess that's where my 2 year old, Abigail, gets it...
No matter what she's doing she ends up with it all over her.

Her pudding? in her hair.
Ice cream? in her hair and up to her elbows.
In the sandbox? in her hair and ears.
At a playground with gravel? in her hair, pockets, shoes, and diaper.
Leaves? Oh, yeah.

We have an Early Head Start home visitor over to our house about once a week. She plays with Abigail, talks with me over questions I have (potty training, sibling rivalry, etc.), and brings educational toys, books and games for us to play with together.
Last summer she brought the greatest thing- a water table. We filled it up from the hose and the girls were playing with strainers, containers and water toys outside. Of course, five minutes into playing Abigail starts dumping cups of water over her head. Cups and cups and cups of water over her head.

Within 15-20 minutes, Abigail's lips were blue and her teeth were chattering...
That's my experiential baby! Lucky she didn't end up with pneumonia from that one!
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