Sunday, November 26, 2006


insomnia... You're driving me crazy-a
want to take a bullet-a
and put it in my brain...

No, I am NOT suicidal.
Do not get that from my silliness & sleep-starved brain...
I'm just TIRED and frustrated and ready to go to sleep.

It's 3:45 am here... I got so little sleep last night and will get less tonight... We're in the middle of doing a Christmas bazaar thing with our beads and I have to get up at 8 tomorrow. (I know, poor me...) Since Jake goes to work at 10 most mornings and gets off at 7 pm, we get up around ten and I don't put the girls to bed until 9 or 10 so that they get to see their daddy for some time. It's a different schedule than what most people have, but it works for us except when something like this happens and messes us all up...

Any tension or stress going on and sleep is a lost cause for me, and these bazaar things are STRESSFUL. You sit there hoping somebody, anybody will buy one thing, just enough to warrant renting the stupid table... And you're trying to look like "I'm a nice, normal, interesting person and you want to buy something I made.." And money's so tight this year, for everybody... This poor lady two tables down from us was crying as she packed up her stuff (some people are only staying for one day, we went ahead, took the deal and paid for both days) Anyway, she obviously didn't make at least table, and I think she didn't sell much... I felt so sorry for her, and I had bought a card from her earlier...

Okay, this is ridiculous. I'm getting up in 4 hours! I'm going to go and try again to get to sleep now...

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