SORRY! I'm late. Didn't actually write this until Saturday late night, so it'll probably post as Sunday morning.
On Saturdays I post about a couple of things that made me smile over the last week.
1.) A Musical!

Man, it's killing me to not be in a production right now. But both my mom and Jake are saying it's time for me to start auditioning again... Hope the auditions result in performances! I haven't been in a show in about 7 years. That's a pretty long time.
2. Random kids saying Hi! to me all over Fairbanks
I work in a school as a reading tutor. I like my job. I get to help kids who struggle in reading, and I get to work one-on-one with them. I get to see them improve over the course of a school year, and I get to see how their progressing reading skills affect the rest of their school abilities and attitude.
As part of my tutoring job, I also do a daily half-hour stint as a recess monitor. I don't really like that part very much, particularly at -15 with wind chill. However, the side benefit of this job is that I get to know a lot of kids by name. And even the ones I don't know by name, recognize me outside of the school context.
Jake has teased me about being a pied piper since so many kids will say Hi to me at Fred Meyers & Walmart, in restaurants, and around town. It makes me smile every time. I love seeing kids I know out of the school context. I like seeing their families, and how they fit into the rest of the world.
3.) Farmer's Market Opens in 48 Days!

I checked out how many days till we open and I was shocked. For some reason, it's been feeling very far off. It's not! I need to get stringing! and Wire-wrapping!
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