For the Bead Soup Blog Party Post, go HERE.
I feel like I'm coming out of a fog. It's been nine weeks since my surgery and I finally have energy.
Energy to play with the kids at recess.
Energy to plan fun things for Spring break next week.
Energy to care how the house looks.
Energy to care how I look.
Energy to be creative and spontaneous.
Energy to truly enjoy my girls.
Energy to create.
This is what's on my bead table right now- a collage- style green glass, ceramics and shell necklace. I'm still thinking about how it will go together- You are seeing just the preliminary lay-out. I tend to have an image or drawing in mind, then I lay out elements and play with them (moving them around, switching them, pulling out more stuff). Finally I put it all together.
My favorite thing right now is to combine different styles and methods (wire-work plus stringing, etc.) And making my own components really adds to the pleasure of creating.

This is what I'm working with on my component tray. Right now, I'm just working in polymer clay.
My surgery stole so much time and energy that I had to drop my metal-smithing class. I was terribly depressed at first, and then I chose to make it a good thing. I decided to focus on polymer clay for this semester to see if it's a medium I like. So far, so good. I haven't created anything yet with my components, but I'm going to soon.
Here you see a wing pendant and a butterfly pendant. They've been cooked and now they are waiting to be painted. The painting is my favorite part! I love adding individuality to each piece.

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