1.) The last day of school!
The girls were simply WILD on Thursday because school is over for the summer. I couldn't blame them. I was just about wild, too.
2) My girls love going to church again!
This has been a huge change for us, but we finally made the choice to move to a different church... Jake & I were happy, but my girls hated going. They fought us every Sunday, and whined the whole way there. They hated the inconsistency of teachers, and the baby-sitting focus in the children's ministry at our last church. And one of the last things we want is for them to hate church when they are just 5 & 7.
Jake & I weren't very happy with the children's program either, but would have probably stayed if our girls hadn't made it clear they were miserable.
It's still not official & I'll report more later, but we think we've found where God wants us to be right now.
3) The Pagoda restaurant in North Pole-
They make excellent Chinese food, and Jake's from Seattle, so he's pretty particular. We finally got to go out alone on a date last Friday, and drove out to North Pole. We enjoyed the drive and the yummy food. http://www.pagodanorthpole.com/ The Pagoda is always worth the 15-20 minute drive out to North Pole. (Yes, my friends in the lower 48- that is a LONG drive up here in Fairbanks.)
4) The Library
Any library! I love visiting the library. I love the complete organization, and being able to find what you want, and the children's room... I love visiting different sections and finding all the books I haven't read yet. I could easily spend hours there... I enjoyed working at the music library in Fort Worth, even though I didn't make a ton of money. I like the quiet, and lighting, and the books.
5) Pearls

I love pearls. I love beading with them. I love wearing them. I love looking at them. I love their glow and shine. I love that it's just like God to take something painful & irritating and make it into something beautiful.
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