Last summer we had the best spot at Farmer's Market we've ever had. We were on a corner, and people would come out of the building and walk right over to us. When it rained, people would use our tent as cover because we had our tables set up in such a way that there was plenty of space. We loved our corner space.
This summer we lost our super, awesome,

fabulous tent spot. Someone who has been at Farmer's Market longer than us claimed precedence and got the corner spot.
There are SO MANY people selling jewelry at the market this year that Beth and I despaired of ever making up the cachet we lost with our corner spot. We prayed and talked about what we could do to make our tent stand out from the other jewelery tents- to have people notice our jewelry and remember a feeling, style or look.
We came up with a couple of ideas-
First, we always use rice and black gravel in our containers at the Christmas bazaars because it looks lovely. We get a nice display surface, and the kids get something to play with- bonus. We decided to pull it out and use it at Farmer's Market. Yes, it's a pain to set up, but we're betting it's worth it in the long run.
Second, we decided to find an attractive rug. We looked all over for something with-in our price range and available in Alaska.
(You wouldn't believe the companies that won't ship an attractive rug to Alaska! Or charge an exorbidant fee to do so. It's not like we're in Russia or Ethiopia...)Third, we decided to go ahead and add the curtains/swag we've talked about for the last two summers. We've talked about it, but the kind of material that we were attracted to- organdy or voile- is IMPOSSIBLE to hem. Neither of us had any interest in spending hours hemming slippery fine fabric. But we found these fabulous curtains for a lovely price in just the fabric we wanted! Hemmed already! and at a good length!
So, for our internet debut:
The Two Sisters Farmer's Market tent Up-Grade!

We will continue to find ways to differentiate ourselves from the crowd, but it's not always easy... Please pray for us if you think about it.