Saturday, June 29, 2013

Saturday Smiles

On Saturdays I post about a few things that make me smile over the last week.

1) Bingle MADD Camp
I got to teach at a Music/Art/Drama/Dance camp this last week!  I loved teaching and working with the teenagers. I taught drama and script-writing, worked my behind off, and had a blast.  I got to do this last year and loved it then, but this year was better for a couple of reasons.
The primary reason was that my husband came, too.  He taught a song-writing class and worked with the worship team.  What a joy to spend our free time together!  I love getting to hang out with my Jake, doing fun things and sharing the beauty of Alaska together.
Jake leading worship with one of his students

The other reason this was such a great year was that the director gave the counselors an option to choose classes, too, which strengthened the relationships this week.  By the end of the week we had spent a LOT of time together and seen each others' strengths, weaknesses and sheer goofiness...

I've got more pictures of this week, but I'm so tired I'm not finding them on my phone. =)  I'll share more when I'm more coherent.  I slept a lot today, but apparently not enough...

2) My kitty
My poor Luna missed me so much while I was gone.  She has not left my side since I got back.  She's behind me on my chair right now.  Poor lonely girl.

3) The cool of Fairbanks
Ha!  Never thought that would make me smile!  It was about 85 degrees out at the camp this week, and while it's still hot here, at least our house has good windows and a few fans!  Our cabin would get up to about 95 at night, and we didn't dare leave the door open because the mosquitoes this year are voracious, plus they swarm.  We've had a particularly bad case of mosquitoes because of the relatively warm, long and wet winter.  (It only got down to -50ish this last winter and it didn't last long, plus our spring took forever.)   I've got 22 mosquito bites on my right leg alone...

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