However, I can assess where my work fits.
First, is my bead work art? My answer is 'Sometimes yes, sometimes no'.

I often am unsure of the answer to this question. When I throw something together to sell it, probably not... When I have an idea in my mind and work it out, it feels like art. Particularly now with the semester in metal-smith to inform my opinion. I spent a lot of time during the semester looking at jewelry and drawing pieces... Developing an idea to the point of being able to see it come out.
When I discovered how to create the Forget-Me-Not necklaces, I was thrilled. Seeing an idea in
my mind, and then putting it together... So cool... Now, I'm a little bored with them.

They sell. Every time one is on my table, they sell within two weeks. But I'm kind of over them... Ready to move on and make something else.
I've discovered a completely new style of wire-work on Etsy & in some of the Art jewelry mags. It complements what I've already been doing, but would be more 'studio' high-end Artisan jewelry. I've been working on a piece using this style, and I'm pleased with it. It's kind of scary. Just slightly out of my comfort zone. But it's still the wirework I love- that delicate, feminine vine work.

When I work on one of those vines I think of my Great-Aunt Bethel's garden close to Coos Bay, Oregon. Green and lush. Viney and almost wild.
As I look at my work, it delights me to realize how much my Dad's botany & forestry work influences what I make... I remember HOURS and HOURS of trailing after my dad while he would take incredible photos of delicate little plants. He'd be flat on the ground on his tummy with a huge camera...
When I look at Beth's work, I realize how much my Dad influenced her- He was also a rock-hound and we spent lots of vacation time

I am going through a change in what I make... I'm frustrated with what I've been making, but not entirely sure where to point myself. I want to make the pieces I have floating in my head... I wish I had access to a fantastic metal-smithing shop. I miss the torches, and the saws.
I wish I knew where I was going, but it is exciting to see the possibility of major changes in my future jewelry-work...
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