She's a '99 Dodge Neon, and Jake's in love with her...
Jake found her through an ad in the paper, and paid (IMO) way more than she was worth.
She's been in an accident and we keep finding more things wrong with her because of the accident...
Such as: the reservoir for windshield fluid was sheered off, there is no horn, the dome light doesn't work... all of which are related to electrical issues. Jake's been able to fix most of the problems, but I wish he didn't have a fascination with fixing up old things...
Here's the other reason we've called her Nikita- under the seat covers she had a secret compartment cut into the passagenger car seat. There's no other reason I can imagine for that except transporting drugs.
She's a lovely sparkly purple and one of her front side panels is black. The girls like her 'cuz she's purple

The driver's seat was miserable and terribly uncomfortable for my poor neck and shoulders, so Jake replaced it. Poor guy. He wants me to like the car as much as he does! The new seat is definitely more comfortable than the old one, but still not as comfortable as my mom's Dodge Durango.
If I had a dream vehicle it would be a new Dodge Durango. I LOVE my mom's! Give me 4 wheel drive, and at least a V-6 any day!!! I love the power and durability of it. It's comfortable, everybody has plenty of leg room, and we can all go somewhere.

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