Wednesday, August 01, 2012

Red Flower Remix

I've had this red and copper wire necklace hanging around for at least a year, maybe another summer, too. But I think I made it last year. I loved the necklace, but it has sat on my table for a year or so...

It is pretty, but it doesn't really fit in with what I am creating now.  So today I began the process of recreating it.  I am not sure how it will turn out.  I hope it will be smashing, a lovely floral & lace bauble to caress the neck of any maiden. 

The first step in the remixing process was to unwind the wire down to the flowers I am keeping, only the three in the center.  And I shall work out from there.  One big change: I am going to use chain and a lobster clasp so that the necklace has more flexibility in length. 

At this point, I don't know what else I'm going to do to it...

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