1.) "I'm on the Edge of Glory" by Lady Gaga
I admit- I like this song. It's catchy, it gets stuck in my head, it makes me smile... My girls love So You Think You Can Dance, and Lady Gaga performed "I'm on the Edge" for the show this last season. They flipped over the song. Kept singing it over & over...
I know it's about sex. Trust me, I know. They don't. And it doesn't really matter right now. They think it's about singing and performing and dancing. So the song makes me think of my girls dancing and singing and it makes me happy. (Unless they start singing it in the morning while we're all trying to get ready for school. 'Cuz then it's stuck in my head ALL day.)
I had almost no opinion about Lady Gaga until watching her on SYTYCD. She came across as intelligent, positive, and able to give a good critique. I'm not a huge fan, but I definitely like that song. I like her sense of style, and her commitment to the character. It's obvious she is as much an actor/performance artist as she is a singer. Also, I love the fact that she writes her own stuff.
2.) Chicken Teriyaki with rice
But it has to have pineapple, or forget it...
3.) Sharpie Pens

The perfect rainbow of colors! The new colors every year! The permanence! The brilliance! The long-lasting ink! I love Sharpie pens!
Yeah, yeah, yeah...okay, I'll admit I like that song too! I found it interesting that Lady Gaga is dating a man who graduated from Lancaster MENNONITE High School! She was spotted in Lancaster, PA a couple weeks ago with him. I'm a Menno too, so it just tickles me to think that she is dating someone who went to a Menno school.
I like Sharpies too!! :-)
Hmmmm... I know she went to Catholic school as a kid. I wonder what kind of conversations they have?
My daddy had a very good friend who was Mennonite when we were in California. Nice guy. I always think good, happy thoughts when I think of Mennonites. =)
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