1.) My favorite pants
I've got two pair I just love: My green Carhartts (yes, that makes me Alaskan to the core, but I DON'T care) and my comfy beat-up pair of cropped hang out pants. The Carhartts take me out of the house looking good, and the cropped pants keep me happy at home.
2.) My husband's adventure photography
Jake & the girls finally got to go on an adventure over the weekend, and he took some great shots of the girls at an adventure spot in the Gilmore Valley out near Fox. They climbed and hiked, explored and snacked to their heart's content.

3.) The coming Christmas Bazaar Season
I know I'm wacky, but I look forward to the bazaars Beth & I attend during the three months leading up to Christmas. They are incredibly hard work with long hours, and the 'on-call' nature of selling my own work reminds me of an art performance or strange play that lasts 7 to 8 hours with the actors then having to tear down the set...
Also, you would be shocked at some of the strange/wonky/rude things people will say... (Best not to repeat the most rude, but here's a rather funny one. A customer walks up and carefully looks at all our jewelry. She chooses one particular piece of mine, and says to her friend, "Now this one.... This one looks professional." I guess the rest didn't come up to her high standards? or they looked like my 5 year old made it?)
We don't do many Christmas bazaars (we're only signed up for 4 this year so far); but they are fun. We see some friends we don't see any other time, customers we don't get to visit with except at Christmas, and I enjoy the routine... I enjoy helping someone find the perfect gift for that special someone.
I enjoy getting ready, and setting up, and making our jewelry look beautiful. During Farmer's Market we mostly focus on just getting it out there, but during the Christmas bazaars we focus on making each piece look beautiful. As we have gotten deeper and deeper into crafting each component of our jewelry from the findings to the pendants, I think we find a deeper satisfaction in displaying our pieces.
Even with all the work involved, I still thoroughly enjoy participating in the Christmas bazaars here in Fairbanks, and the thought that they are coming soon makes me smile!
1 comment:
I enjoyed the excitement in your tone in this post! My muse is definitely better the closer we get to the holidays! :-)
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