Monday, March 10, 2014

Lori's 8th Bead Soup Blog Party

I'm so excited to participate in another of Lori's bead soup parties!  It's fun to see what comes in the mail, to try new things, and to work with beads you never would have chosen for yourself.  I've thoroughly enjoyed the challenge in the past and would not have willingly given up the opportunity to do it again.  In the past I've had to push myself to work with unusual materials, and unusual beads.  I'm looking forward to seeing what comes from my new partner, and to seeing what I can do with what she sends me.

In fact, I wanted to share some of my favorite pieces from past parties.

My Gecko Forest necklace from Michelle's soup

My Birdie necklace from Pamela's soup

My Set it Free necklace from Rose's soup

I can't wait to see what happens this year!

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