Monday, January 09, 2012

After surgery photo

I'm laying on the couch all sad and tired, when my littlest decides she wants to cuddle.
So we get her over & behind me (away from the incisions),
when my oldest decides she wants in on the cuddle action...
Except she didn't fit. Not with my stomach all messed up.
Jake kindly offered to take a photo in lieu of a couch cuddle.
Looking at this photo you'd think Jake told us to make silly faces!
But he just said 'Smile!'


Shirley said...

What sweet faces! Best medicine in the world! Get better quick!

becca said...

Thank you!
I'm a little prejudiced, I admit, but I think they have sweet faces, too. =)

Charis Designs said...

Nothing like hugs and cuddles with daughters <3