This has been a ridiculously HARD week.
Some family yucky stuff that has added stress. Blech, blech, blech.
Plus, the big deal: I have talked to my doctor, done a CT scan, and now I'm seeing a neural surgeon. Which adds up to me probably having another lower back spinal surgery. I am so not happy about this... But at least I knew it was possible.
When the surgeon removed the nasty synovial cyst on my lower spine he warned me that it might grow back. Until I have a MRI
(which I thought I couldn't have 'cuz I've got a metal plate and screws in my neck, but they are titanium so I was wrong, yay.), we won't know exactly what's going on with the soft tissue. But the CT scan shows some pretty weird bone stuff going on down there.
Not happy right now.
And scared.
And worried.
Glad God has it all under control, 'cuz I certainly don't!