I normally try and post a couple of things that have made me smile over the last week, but since I haven't posted in so long I think I'll share a couple of the things that have kept me busy over the last two months.
I'm taking a couple of classes up at UAF (University of Alaska Fairbanks), Advanced Metalsmithing and Beginning Ceramics.
I've got a TON of stuff done in Metals, but I've only taken one picture. My camera is still MIA, so all of the following pictures are from my phone. And no, they are definitely not the best.
Enameling, butterflies, and pendants, oh, my.
My metals bench from a couple of weeks ago
I'm surprised at how much I'm enjoying the ceramics. I've never done anything in clay before, and it's fun! I'm noticing how weak my shoulders and arms have become after my last spinal surgery.
My first bowl
We had the assignment of making between 4 and 10 bowls using different methods- coiling, slumping, draping or pinching. We made that many with the understanding that we were going to give some to the local food bank for a Empty Bowls fund-raiser.
Our next assignment was to reproduce an ancient vessel. I chose to make a reproduction of an Egyptian Canopic jar, primarily because my girls and I love cats. If I was going to have some ancient thing hanging around the house I wanted to make something I liked. And it looks like I've got a really fun cookie jar.
Our class projects with my professor on the left
My cat jar is front and center
Our next project was to create a narrative teapot. I really was annoyed by this one- a teapot that tells a story? Talking it over with my sister and my professor, I ended up deciding to make a representation of some of the books my daughters and I have read together over the last year. I've turned completely around and I love my teapot now. It's been incredibly fiddly and annoying, but so much fun. This project may be my favorite...
My teapot of books and character bits
And the lid
I haven't completely finished with this project- it's not glazed yet, but I really like what I've done so far.
So the sum up is this: I'm crazy busy! As a student, a mom, a wife, a reading tutor, a sister, a daughter and a jewelry designer. Plus, I'm the primary taxi driver and cook for our home. My house is currently a shambles and the girls have taken to begging for me to do laundry on Fridays... And my husband has been wearing my socks (because I don't wear mine out like he does, so I have more pairs).
Anyway, I love my classes! And we are surviving. And we've got an end goal now. I've probably only got a couple of years of part time classes and I will be certified as an art teacher. I'd rather be a drama teacher, mind you. But nobody hires those full time... I'll have to pass a couple of tests, but I'm not overwhelmed yet. (Mind you, I haven't looked at the math portion yet.)
I hope I can keep up with blogging better now that I have an end goal and am adjusted to the pace, but I don't know...
P.S.- PLEASE don't tell Jake I said anything about him wearing my socks!