Wow. Okay, I haven't blogged in something like three weeks, and I honestly forgot. I've been crazy busy with work, school, jewelry making and mommy-ing.
My job as a reading tutor for the school district has begun again, and I'm having fun and working crazy hard. I've got four little groups of students and I have an extra helping this month because one of our tutors is in France helping with her sick father. I'm so looking forward to her return! I normally have about 6 or 7 students and right now I have 10.
My classes have started and I am having so much fun! I'm taking beginning ceramics and advance metal-smithing. It's fun to try new things when I don't have a lot of emotion invested, which is where the ceramics comes in. And I'm doing what I want to do in Metal-smithing. So far, I've done a lot of rolling press leaf imprints and some fold-forming pendants. Nothing is complete, but I like working on several little projects at once so that I can leave something in the pickle or whatever. I'll take some pictures this week of the works in progress and share them.
Plus, I've been doing my wire-work at home to get ready for the Christmas bazaars. I should do quite a few pieces to get ready and I just don't know how I'll accomplish all of it!
So, too busy. But having fun. That's me.