Sunday, February 25, 2007

Worship involving the Body, Mind, and Spirit

"Genesis concludes each message with a question. The question is a response to the message in terms of how it affects our daily worship of God and living in community. The question might be, ‘What am I depending on to transform my life – God’s grace or my efforts?’ This goes against a lot of modern forms of preaching and teaching, as the usual ending is three or four clean-cut application points. Ending with a questions moves people to wrestle with and ponder what was taught. Also, the message doesn’t end the worship gathering. Instead, they then go into a longer time of worship, which is very important… This time includes singing, prayer, silence and other responses. One time, the message was on our identity in Christ. The worship leader literally stopped the musical worship, put down his guitar, and led the people out of the room. They all went outside and took a community prayer walk around the church campus. Preplanned Scripture verses were posted on the walls so people could read about their identity in Christ. It was a silent walk. They eventually made their way back to the meeting room where they broke into prayer groups to pray for one another. Once, instead of singing or praying after the message, they set up tables where people wrapped gifts and baskets of clothing and food for the poor and elderly in the community. Another time they set up the stations of the cross symbolically using artwork sewed by members of the Genesis congregations. The worship time consisted of walking around and reading the Scriptures at each station. Genesis also uses open microphones to allow community members to share their worship responses."

Quoted from Emerging Worship, by Dan Kimball

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